
Friday 12 April 2019

Animal Inquiry

This week we completed animal inquiries. Here is my crocodile slide.


Here is my pepeha

Swimming self Assessment

Monday 8 April 2019

Basic facts term 1

These are my Basic Facts results for the end of Term One.
I am working on Stage 4 I got 54 out of 60
I need to be on Stage 5 by the end of the year.

Handwriting Term 1

This is my handwriting Sample for Term One
I am good at setting the letters out properly.
I need to work on sitting letters on the line.

Friday 5 April 2019

Steam Gif

Yesterday I made a GIF.
A GIF is a short movie that restarts over and over again.
Here is my GIF


Yesterday we started something called maker-space.
Maker-space is a programme were you create things that have to do with the subject.
Here is my creation I made using an egg carton and pipe cleaners.

Bug hotel

Today we started to make a bug hotel.
We put hay and other things bugs need to survive and would be attracted to the hotel.
Here is my picture of me adding hay to the motel.