
Friday, 22 November 2019

Basic Facts Term 4

We have been working on answering basic facts questions quickly and instantly.
I should be working on Stage 5. 

I am at Stage 5. I got 47 out of 60.

Friday, 15 November 2019

Maths Problems

We have been learning to solve problems with multiplication and division . Here are some problems I solved this week I did not have time to screen-castify my to show my working.   

Friday, 1 November 2019

Great's & Grand's Day 2019

Last Friday we had our great's & grand's day. My grandfather and grandmother came along. We did performances and dancing. We had a delicious morning tea unfortunately I left before we got to play some games.
Here is my poem I wrote for my grandparents.

My grandfather has the sense of humour of a clown. My grandfather can swim like a dolphin. My grandfather works on the farm in his free time so everyone in his house can eat healthy food.He goes diving to cook and put with some salad.He cooks the best meals and I can’t wait until he comes to visit again.