
Friday, 31 August 2018

save the world

This week we have been making things about how to save the world.
here is my comic strip to how to save the world

Father's day card

This week we made a father's day simile poem.
Here is my simile poem about my Koro

Friday, 17 August 2018

Kauri tree

Last week we made a Kauri tree art.  First we drew on the clouds with white crayon, then we dyed our piece of paper blue.  We used our fingers to paint the trunk brown, black, white, purple and green. We also used green, brown and we mixed in yellow with the other colours then painted paper and ripped it a part to make leaves that we glued them onto the paper. We made a google doc to make slogans to put on our Kauri tree art. The slogans tell people everything you should do to help Kauri trees survive.