
Tuesday, 11 December 2018

Huarakau - Te Reo Maori Term 4

We have been learning the names of fruit in Maori.
Here are some we have learnt.

Friday, 7 December 2018

Haiku and Acrostic Poems

Last week we made a haiku poem
Here is my haiku.

Summer is so fun
It is a  good beach season
A good sunny day


Santa comes tonight
Lots of fun getting presents
Staying up so late

Here is my acrostic poem.

Merry christmas
Melting ice
Really cool

Really cool
In summer
The same house
Merry Christmas
A holiday
Santa is coming

Reading Screencastify

This week we have been reading poems and answering the questions at the bottom of the poem.
We did three poems and I screencastify  the first one.
Here is my screencastify.

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Pirate code grid

Today we have been learning how to code.
First we coded the pirate to get to the treasure without getting bombed.
Then we made up our own coding grid. Have a look at my slide show to see my coding today.

Monday, 3 December 2018


I know how to tell the time in
half past
quarter to
quarter past

This is my draw on telling the time.

Friday, 23 November 2018

Vaseline sauces

A couple of weeks ago we made Vaseline saucers that were symmetrical.
Symmetrical means both sides are the same.                                                 
I liked my big and small patterns.
Here is my art work.

Thursday, 22 November 2018

Christmas poem

Today we made a Christmas poem and a Christmas tree sketch.
First we sketched the Christmas tree and wrote what came to our minds.
Next we then we did our poem.
Then we printed the poem out.
Finally we cut the sketch out and glued it to the poem.
Here is my work.


Friday, 9 November 2018


This term we have completed two pieces of art.

One was inspired by an artist named Kadinsky who used coloured circles in his work. We looked at the contrast between warm and cool colours and the black and white of the buildings.
Some things I did well was drawing the buildings

Some things I could improve on are filling in the white spaces in the background

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Handwriting Term 4

We have been learning to form our letters correctly and to use capital letters in the correct place.
I am good at doing capital letters.

I need to get better at putting my letters on the lines

Thursday, 27 September 2018

Problem solving week 10 T3 2018

Here is my video I made on subtraction.

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Basic facts test term 3

Today we did a basic facts test. A basic facts test is when your teacher times you on some basic facts. We get 3 minutes to answer all the questions.
I got 55/60. I know all the answers but I need to write them down faster to beat the 3 minutes.
Here is my basic facts test from today.

Thursday, 20 September 2018

Procedural writing.

This week we made procedural writing on how to play and make stuff.
Here are my google draws on procedural writing.

Tuesday, 18 September 2018


Today Tania came to teach us about coding and how to use coding languages. We have done a gingerbread man coding map. Here is my awesome gingerbread man coding map from today...
Some words I have learned:
I am using computational thinking to code my gingerbread man or girl.
If I have a mistake in my programme it is called a bug and I need to debug my programme.

Friday, 7 September 2018


We have been learning how to measure things, this is my slide on how to measure things.

Friday, 31 August 2018

save the world

This week we have been making things about how to save the world.
here is my comic strip to how to save the world

Father's day card

This week we made a father's day simile poem.
Here is my simile poem about my Koro

Friday, 17 August 2018

Kauri tree

Last week we made a Kauri tree art.  First we drew on the clouds with white crayon, then we dyed our piece of paper blue.  We used our fingers to paint the trunk brown, black, white, purple and green. We also used green, brown and we mixed in yellow with the other colours then painted paper and ripped it a part to make leaves that we glued them onto the paper. We made a google doc to make slogans to put on our Kauri tree art. The slogans tell people everything you should do to help Kauri trees survive.

Friday, 6 July 2018


We have been learning about fractions. I made a screencastify about halves, quarters, thirds and fifths.

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Monday, 18 June 2018

Garden to table Term 2

This term we have been doing something called garden to table.
Your class is split into groups, some do the garden and some do the kitchen.
I like how you can cook and taste lots of different foods.
Here is some photos of us doing garden to table.

Basic Facts

We have been working on answering basic facts questions quickly and instantly.

I am at Stage 4

Thursday, 14 June 2018


Today Miss Toia taught us fractions. We all had a worksheet to answer all the sums.
This is my worksheet.


  1. What is ⅖ of 20?

2. What is ⅔ of 18?


3. What is ¾ of 40?


4. What is 4/7 of 35?

5. There are 30 students in a class. ⅔ of the
students have brown eyes.
How many students have brown eyes?


6. A farmer has 48 cows. 4/6 of them
had one calf each.
How many calves were there altogether?


7. There are 45 pencils in a box. Miss
Toia sharpened 2/5 of them.
How many pencils did Miss Toia sharpen

8. Manu has 54 biscuits to share with his
class. If he gives away 7/9 of them, how many
is this?

54+6=60-tens from 60=6x7=42

Friday, 8 June 2018

Getwise Maths

About two weeks ago a man came in for some thing called Asb getwise. He was here to talk about saving money. The next day we wrote things he talk about.
Here is mine.

Mr Golf

This week and last week a man called Mr Golf came to our school to teach us how to play Golf.

I liked learning how to play Golf.

I am good at hitting the ball far.

I need to work on remembering how hard I hit the ball.

Animal town story

This week we have used another picture as motivation for our writing. We had a story starter and
then we had to carry on the story.
What I like about my writing is being creative.
I need to improve on spelling and to have spaces after a full stop.

Here is my writing about Animal Town.

I am the greatest sheriff. I am sheriff Lion. Only once a year someone breaks the law, only once a year!
So I usually lie in the sun for a year, but this year everything changed. When a gang of animals came.
They call themselves poor humans. They have machines called cameras they were trying to blind us.
And when they were finished they just walked away.

I needed a group of animals, the strongest on earth, to fight those puny little humans. They were Mr
Stripes the zebra, the plan animal. Mr Bear, the great scientist. Mr and Mrs Meerkat, the speedy
tricksters. Mr Dotty, the giraffe adventurer and he is Mr Stripes brother. And lastly me, Sheriff Lion.
Together we are the Animal Force 5.

I sent Mr and Mrs Meerkat to spy on the humans. When they came back they had bad news.
They reported that if you are captured you will get burned and eaten. A few days later they came
back to animal town with more machines called shotguns. They sent their first troops. But they didn’t
know that we set up booby traps. The first troop fell for a booby trap. The first trap had something to do
with sleeping darts. While the troop set off the booby trap Mr and Mrs MeerKat were kidnapping the
leader quietly. Once all the troops were knocked out, the leader woke up we threw him into the cage.

He told us every deepest darkest secret he knew, but we did not let him go because he might tell
everyone our hiding spot. So we learnt how to build force fields and lots of things that involves
technology. So from this day forward no human can come into Animal Town.      

Hot air balloon story

This week we have used a picture as motivation for our writing. We had a story starter and then we had to carry on the story. What I like about my writing is it makes sense.

I need to improve on making sure my spelling is correct. We also made a google draw showing the things that we would take with us in on the balloon`

Hot air balloon story
When I look down there was a good view of the fields. When it was night time we did Rock, Paper, Scissors to decide who is the one to stay up for night shift. Luckily I won because they both did paper and I did scissors so they both have to stay up for night shift. But the thing about those two they always somehow crash into seagulls. But luckily we crash landed close to the finish line. That’s why we're coming first. We were so close to the finish line. I was so excited I fainted. When I woke up we did it, we won the race.  


Monday, 28 May 2018

If I built a car

We read a story called If I built a car. We made cars and wrote what it looked like and what it can do. Here is my story

Friday, 25 May 2018

Pou poem

As part of our writing programme we have been doing environmental writing. We had to sketch an object and as we were sketching we wrote down thoughts that we had. Then we wrote our thoughts down  as a poem. We cut out the sketch and added this to our writing.

Wednesday, 16 May 2018


Theis term we have been doing Makerspace.
There is different activities like science, technology, engineering and maths.
Every week Mrs Craig changed the subject.
 This week the subject was autumn last week it was butterflies
We had to create a tree and make a poem. Here is my poem

 My Autumn poem
In autumn leaves turn yellow and brown.
In autumn leaves fall off their trees.
Leaves are crunchy like twisties.
Once all the leaves have fallen, there stands an empty
brown tree.
Winter is the next season after Autumn.

Friday, 4 May 2018

ANZAC Day Writing

We have written letters and poems for ANZAC day.
This is my letter.

Monday, 9 April 2018

Handwriting sample Term 2

We have been learning to form our letters correctly and to use capital letters in the correct place.
I am good at copying my letters correctly.
I need to get better at putting my letters on the line.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Wednesday, 28 March 2018


We have been working towards becoming a confident swimmer by learning how to be a safe swimmer. We learnt that we should always swim with an adult and to always wear a life jacket when we are on a boat. At our swimming lessons we have learnt how to float, kick, glide and use rainbow arms and we are still learning to breathe correctly.

Monday, 19 March 2018

Garden to Table

I like garden to table because we can cook yummy food.

Friday, 16 March 2018

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